
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Legend says that these tall basalt pillars are the petrified wives of a trickster god

Jutting skyward near Washington's Wallula Gap, the pair of massive basalt columns known as the Twin Sisters are not only a picturesque natural wonder, but according to local legend, they were created by a jealous trickster god.

Science tells us that the Twin Sisters formation is the result of erosion sculpting the two spires between 12-15,000 years ago when the area was pounded by a massive flood. The resulting towers of black stone have since become a popular hiking spot. However, local legend tells a different story of their origin.

According to Native American legend, the pillars were once two of three wives who married the trickster god Coyote. The trio had been trying to catch fish in a fish trap, but the mischievous god deity kept destroying them. Finally, as the women began to starve since they could not catch fish, coyote agreed to build them a trap if they married him. They agreed, but unfortunately the deal didn't work out so hot. Coyote became bored with/jealous of his wives and turned one of them into a cave, and the other two into the Twin Sisters rock formation.

While the formation was clearly created by erosion, and not magic, the site is nothing less than enchanting, and well worth a visit from anyone who is interested in either nature or folklore.

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